If You Could Increase Retention and Decrease Incidents by 7-12% Over the Next 3 Years*, Would It Be Worth the Investment? #teamdriveSAFE

Defensive Driving Tools

Just for School Districts

What if your school district could increase retention and reduce incidents by 7-12% over the next 3 years?* Would it be worth the investment?

No school district trains their drivers to be a bad driver. To the contrary, school districts go out of their way to ensure that each driver receives its best safety training and can maneuver a vehicle with the utmost professionalism.

School bus drivers are some of the best trained commercial drivers on the road (NASDPTS Position Paper-Professional School Bus Drivers-5-17-18-FINAL.pdf, page 5). Yet, retention and rising incidents remain a challenge for school districts across the country and neither can be addressed from outdated business models.

The "human factor" remains as the common denominator. But how do school districts assertively address the plethora of driver concerns and needs?

While school bus manufacturers continue to improve the hardware that drivers need, school bus entities must begin to look at the school bus driver role through an entirely new prism. The need for a "warm body in the seat" can no longer be the accepted standard, but rather a holistic approach would be more accommodating. Holistically. Socially. Economically. Intellectually. Professionally. And most of all, cognitively.

The mental stressors of school bus driving have evolved well past student management procedures. These stressors are not going away, nor are they diminishing. **

Dealing with the increased job demands of school bus drivers and the expanding demographics that every school bus entity is being forced to address, issues like as Baby Boomers working beside Gen Z'ers, will require distinctly new strategies for school bus transportation, not all of which will require more money for payroll budgets.***

We've developed some strategic options specifically for school bus transportation. Check out this video: https://youtu.be/32kKzQfmMXshttps://youtu.be/32kKzQfmMXs 

*Actual results may vary.

**In a recent survey, more than 90% of school bus drivers stated that they were extremely stressed after completing their daily route (TeamDriveSAFE, Dec 2023).

***In a recent survey, 60% of school bus drivers noted that having a new bus is not as important as working in a less hostile environment, and 45% of school bus drivers surveyed stated that they would favor working on a block schedule (TeamDriveSAFE, Dec 2023).


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